Monday, August 6, 2012

Stay at home mom easy cash flow

The thought of being a stay at home mom was never something I thought I'd find myself doing. I had always imagined myself as a nurse manager or some other administrative nursing job. I never anticipated finding myself at home each and every day with my son and our two dogs. But, at twenty five,. I have found myself in this such position. Don't get me wrong what I do is very fore filling for me, and my family; but part of me feels as though my contribution isn't enough. I'm sure their are plenty of mothers out there that feel the same, which is partly why I have started this blog. This blog will give me the opportunity to chronicle the important events in my day to day life.
What's in the name? Buggle & Tuppers is the name of my blog as it is the nickname/"household language" my husband and I speak in. I first nicknamed our son "Buggle" around two or three months of age. What is a "Buggle" you ask...well originally it was a baby that like to cuddle...hence Buggle...but one it seems fit that Alexander is in fact a buggle; what I mean is...he's everything you would imagine a made up word to be...a crazy baby that's all over the place. At times my husband and I refer to some of his actions as "buggling" this of course means that he is crawling around, squirming, screaming or talking....all while getting into some sort of mischief.

<---This would be buggling....Alexander on the floor with the potential for trouble

<----This is a Buggle

Of course, at times I have shortened the nickname to "Bugsy" as a sign of affection. As for Tuppers, comes the imaginary word "tupping" that I created to explain the type of walk my Boston Terrier does. It's not quite a walk, and it's not quite a prance...its somewhere in between. In general though she is a Tuppers. It all makes sense within our household but comes across the Internet as dumb and stupid...which in reality it is....but aren't most fun things?

<---this is an insane picuture of a tuppers....she looks like an angry bat...but I believe she is yawning

<---This is what Buggle & Tuppers! is all about

I do not know how much time I will have for this blog entry as Bugsy is down for a nap at the current moment and has been known to wake up at the drop of a dime...or the spontaneous bark from either one of my dogs. Which considering the current time, I anticipate a bark at any minute for my husbands arrival home.
Anyway, enough with the explanations, onto the real topics money and staying home with your kids....not exactly a finical friendly situation...which is why i have dedicated the next few paragraphs to rant on about all the bullshit you read on the Internet about "working from home." I am currently working on getting licensed by the state to open a home daycare, which will allow me to stay home with my Buggle, watch other kids (which I love doing anyway), eliminate the overhead costs of childcare and feel as though I am contributing a service to the community and contributing to the finical aspects of my family. However, while I wait for the date for the state to come and inspect my home...I have been doing some research and searching for a job that pays you to stay at home....what I've found is all garbage, scams, or has upfront costs. I looked online and found the following, ways you can "get paid" from home.
  • Take Surveys....i signed up for five sites claiming to pay you for surveys...what i found is yes, they pay you...sort of. Each site claims to pay you, they even have you input your paypal e-mail for an "easy cash out" or your can choose to get a gift card....or donate it to a charity. Some of the survey sites give you points that you can redeem for rewards, while others have an upfront policy of telling you how much money you have earned. however, they all have same policy, you must earn $10, sometimes $25 before you can cash out. Other flaws include taking a survey partially or halfway and then finding out "they already have enough responses for this particular survey..." which means you don't get the money/points you were promised and you've completely wasted your time. Then there's my favorite scam, you fill out a survey in its entirety and clicked the submit button only to find out "oops" that page doesn't exists or there was an "error" and as a result you do not collect the money or points you were promised. It's unclear as to whether those answers you submitted were saved or lost in space. Essentially the whole thing is a massive scam, you have to take so many surveys to earn enough money to cash out, and in the long run you've probably spent 10 or 15 hours of your time earning $10.00. Additionally, I believe it's the sites intentions to have you take 5 or 6 surveys and forget about the rest, essentially getting free answers for you, as you've probably forgotten about the site and will never take anymore surveys, or if you do, never cash out your bank. So, my advice stay clear of these websites. Having said that, I am an asshole and intend to bring each bank to its minimum cash out allowance, take the money and close the account.
  • Become an online "Juror" this is where you sign up to read a mock trail case and vote guilty or not guilty. Supposedly lawyers from your area post on this website and pay you for your opinion on each particular case. I signed up right away as they promised $10-$25 a case...the verdict? It's still out, evidently in the Hartford area no lawyers have posted a case to be reviewed....should one become available the website claims will give you an e-mail to notify you. I'll keep you posted.
  • Telecommute! Oh the world of telemarketing and telecommuting...this has to be my favorite because its ridiculous. Most telemarketing companies require you to have experience, how many people have experience in being a telemarketer in general? Then you have to have a "private home office...away from distractions." I want to know what mother, has a room away from distractions...unless you have a private which case I'm fairly certain they still hear screaming or laughing etc. Additionally most jobs you are considered an independent contractor and you are paid per call, an extremely minimal amount I might add. In the event that you find a job where you are considered an employee you may be required to pay upwards of 25$ for a credit check and background check. I don't know about you, but personally, my personal credit should have no bearing on the job I am applying for. Finally there are a lot of scams especially on craigslist asking for a social security number ahead of time. Best advice, if you're really interested in this, get hired by a reputable company like atena, where you have to work inside the company office for a year as a customer service agent or a health coach; what have you...and then apply for the telecommute position.
  • Become a mystery shopper! I signed up for this as well curious how this could ever be bad job for me (the professional shopper!) What I found out, the wage is not worth the time. I thought I'd find this job to be get to shop(and get paid to shop), get to buy something and get reimbursed for what you purchased. Well here's the deal, while you do get paid to shop, and sometimes eat's not all what its cracked up to be. You have to go through an online "training certification course" which isn't so bad, but, the tests are somewhat harder than I originally anticipated, and I found myself reviewing the content a few times. Then in order to take a job they company has to verify your social security number in order top provide you with an individual tax form as you are once again considered an independent contractor and not an employee. Once you do all that you are finally ready to start working. Which means you need to select the jobs you'd like to take. Some jobs pay as low as $7.00 and will reimburse you up to $8.00 for your purchase. While other jobs will pay you $35.00 or $40.00 plus will reimburse you up to whatever the company hiring the job finds fit. In order to do a job you need to watch a video on what the company wants you to review and then take a test proving you watched the video, and understand what needs to be done, and reviewed. Following that you have to go to the site, talk with employees while staying "undercover" purchase something, and take pictures of certain aspects such as the store. Then, then you get to go home and submit your receipt to be reimburse, and make sure you went to the correct location at the correct time. Additionally, you then get the joy of filing out a survey and report on store, upload your photos and save your receipt for six months. Honestly, I better be getting paid more than $7.00 and a hamburger or small trinket for the amount of time, gas and frustration that's involved in this business.
There were more suggestions, that I found in my research...but honestly, nothing seemed legit. My suggestions, if you want a little money, and your an animal lover, take up a dog or cat sitting business or dog walking business. Love kids? Open a home daycare. Not an animal lover or can't handle kids that aren't your own, start a baking business. Sell things you don't use anymore on ebay or at a yard sale. Are you crafty? Make things at your leisure and sell them on sites on etsy. Maybe you're good at party planning, and you open your own party planning company. There opportunities are endless with a little ingenuity and desire to work.

As for myself, while I wait for my daycare license to be in my hot little hands, I'll be perfecting my baking skills and working on perfecting dog treats that are gluten free for my little tuppers who has a severe wheat allergy...if they work out perhaps I'll sell them, and market them as Tupper Treats! Until then, expect pictures of burnt cakes and dog cookies.

I leave you with this:

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